
Privacy Policy

KK Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of personal information related to customers who use the various services operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Company Services").

Definition of Personal Information

"Personal information" refers to information related to a living individual as defined by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003; hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"). This includes information that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other description, as well as information that can be easily matched with other information to identify a specific individual, such as email addresses, IDs, passwords, payment information of customers using the Company Services, and information containing personal identification codes.

1. Personal Information Obtained by the Company

The Company acquires personal information of customers using the Company Services, including but not limited to the following:

1.Personal information such as name, email address, and ID entered by customers when using the Company Services.

2.Personal information such as email addresses entered when creating an account for the Company Services or provided through third-party services affiliated with the Company.

3.Personal information such as addresses or email addresses entered when purchasing content on the Company Services for payment and billing processing.

4.Personal information related to billing or payment provided by customers to third-party payment service companies (e.g., Google LLC, Apple Inc.) and acquired by the Company through such companies for the payment of the Company Service fees.

5.Contact information such as name and email address provided by customers when contacting the Company's customer support for inquiries regarding the Company Services.

6.Personal information such as Facebook account, LINE account, email address, and other information used by customers when accessing the Company Services.

7.Information related to the use of the internet by customers (collected by the Company through its own cookies or provided by third parties), such as website history, search keywords, advertisement views and clicks, device usage environment at the time of access (connection environment, carrier information), cookie information, IP address, and device identification number.

2. Purposes of Using Personal Information

The Company uses the acquired personal information of customers for the following purposes:

  • ・To provide and operate the Company Services.
  • ・To deliver advertisements and announcements related to the Company Services.
  • ・To calculate and bill fees related to the Company Services.
  • ・For registration, identity verification, and authentication services related to the Company Services.
  • ・To conduct surveys related to the Company Services.
  • ・For system maintenance and troubleshooting of the Company Services.
  • ・To contact customers and send important notifications regarding changes to various terms of use of the Company Services.
  • ・To respond to inquiries from customers regarding the Company Services.
  • ・To develop, provide, maintain, and improve the Company Services (apps, websites, services, content).
  • ・For shipping goods provided in the Company Services and providing after-sales services.
  • ・To prevent fraudulent or illegal activities and maintain the proper operation of the Company Services.
  • ・To distribute recommended content based on the behavior, gender, and access history within the Company Services in a way that does not identify individuals.
  • ・To provide marketing materials to the Company, its affiliates, and other third parties in a way that does not identify individuals.
  • ・To provide third parties with personal data as stipulated in this Policy.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    1.The Company will not provide personal information of customers obtained by the Company to third parties (as defined by the Personal Information Protection Act) without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases:

    • ・When required by law.
    • ・When necessary to protect life, body, or property and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult.
    • ・When particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult.
    • ・When it is necessary to cooperate with a government agency, local public body, or an entity entrusted by such an agency in executing affairs prescribed by law and obtaining the individual's consent may hinder the execution of those affairs.
    • ・When the third party is an academic research institution and it is necessary for the third party to handle the personal data for academic purposes.
    • ・When permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations.

    2.Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following cases do not constitute third parties as defined in the preceding paragraph:

    • ・When the Company entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party within the necessary scope for the operation of the Company Services, such as payment processing, data analysis, email transmission, hosting services, customer services, and SNS account authentication services.
    • ・When providing information to the successor in case of business succession due to mergers or other reasons.

      4. Security Measures for Personal Information

      The Company takes reasonable, technical, and physical measures to prevent loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction of customers' personal information.

      5. Supervision of Outsourced Personal Information

      When outsourcing all or part of the handling of personal information for the operation of the Company Services, the Company selects the outsourcing party appropriately, concludes a contract including confidentiality, and supervises the outsourcing party to ensure the security management of personal information.

      6. Disclosure of Personal Information

      1.When requested by the customer in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act for disclosure of retained personal data or records of provision to third parties, or for notification of the purpose of use of retained personal data, the Company will confirm the identity of the individual and respond appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations. However, if the disclosure falls under any of the following, the Company may not disclose all or part of the information and will promptly notify the individual if this is the case:

      • ・If there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights of the individual or a third party.
      • ・If it significantly hinders the proper operation of the Company Services.
      • ・If it violates other laws and regulations.

        2.A fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for each request for disclosure of retained personal data, disclosure of third-party provision records, or notification of the purpose of use of retained personal data.

        7. Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Information

        1.When requested by the customer in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act for correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "Suspension of Use, etc.") of retained personal data, the Company will confirm the identity of the individual and conduct an investigation within a reasonable period necessary for business execution. Based on the investigation results, the Company will carry out Suspension of Use, etc. in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and notify the individual of the results. However, if the Company is not obliged to carry out Suspension of Use, etc. under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations, this will not apply.

          2.If you wish to request the above, please contact the contact point specified in "9. Inquiries about Personal Information".

          8. Use of Google Analytics

          The Company uses Google Analytics, a service provided by Google LLC, to understand the usage status of the Company Services. Google Analytics analyzes the usage status of customers using cookies issued by the Company. The Company receives analysis information from Google LLC (e.g., Google Analytics reports on user attributes and interest categories) and understands the usage status of its website. The information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics does not contain any information that identifies specific individuals and is not linked to customer information. The information is managed in accordance with Google LLC's privacy policy. For details on the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google LLC's privacy policy, please refer to the following:

          9. Revision of This Policy

          The Company will update this Policy as necessary. Significant revisions to this Policy will be posted on the Company's website or within the app in a manner prescribed by the Company, along with the latest version of this Policy. The revised Policy will apply from the effective date separately stipulated by the Company.

          10. Inquiries about Personal Information

          For questions or inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact the following email address:

          Email address:

          Established: February 1, 2024
          Effective: February 1, 2024